AI Milestone: Supercomputer Given 6/7 Stone Handicap Able To Win Professional 19X19 Go Games

Posted: March 4, 2009 by mohir in AI
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At the Taiwan Open 2009 held in Taiwan from Feb. 10-13, the Dutch national supercomputer Huygens, which is located at SARA Computing and Networking Services in Amsterdam, defeated two human Go professionals in an official match.

This is the second victory of Huygens playing Go against professional players. During the first two days of the event, the Go program MoGo TITAN set two new world records by winning a 19×19 competition with a 7-stones handicap against the 9P dan professional Go player Jun-Xun Zhou, and a 19×19 competition with a 6-stones handicap against the 1P dan professional Go player Li-Chen Chien.

Huygens, an IBM Power 575 Hydro-Cluster system, is the national supercomputer and located at SARA Computing and Networking Services in Amsterdam. The system, which is in production since August 2008, has a peak speed of 60 trillion calculations per second (Teraflop/s), 3328 Power6 processor cores at 4.7 GHz, a total memory capacity of more than 15 TB, and almost 1,000 TB disk capacity.

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  1. Maybe it’s just me, but I actually expect for computers to win in these kinds of games. When they don’t then I am quite impressed by the human player

  2. breakingkeyboards says:

    I think it is incredible when human win in these games.
    And seem to me every time machine win against human people search for another “more difficult” game.
    To destroy the machine with games we don’t need “difficult” games but also with a mouse against machine playing an images recognition the machines absolutely defeat .

  3. Bob Merkin says:

    Okay, I profoundly apologize for being so rusty at this wonderful game … but was MoGo playing white or black stones?

    This is Big News!

    But I have not read anything about the $1,000,000 Ing Chang-ki Prize! Did MoGo win?

  4. Bob Merkin says:

    Okay I am embarrased for being so out-of-practice … I counted the stones. MoGo played white.


    But I’d still like to know if MoGo won the Ing Prize!

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